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Category: Windows Settings
How to Find and Disable Ads in Windows 10: 5 Places to Look
Windows 10 features a few ads and promotions. Learn where to find them and how to get rid of them. Chapters:0:00 Intro0:23 How to remove ads from lock screen0:58 How to remove ads from the start menu1:22 How to remove ads from the taskbar and notification center1:48 How to remove ads from file explorer2:23 How… Read more
How to Change the Default System Font on Windows 10
Windows 10’s default system font, Segoe UI, looks pretty nice. However, if you have something better to replace it with, you can change the default system font on your Windows 10 PC. I’ll show you how to do this. Link: How to Change the Default System Font on Windows 11 – Code:Windows Registry Editor… Read more
4 Ways To Forget Saved Wifi Networks In Windows 10
This video discusses four ways through which you can forget a single or all Wi-Fi connections saved on a device. Commands:netsh wlan show profilesnetsh wlan delete profile name=”ProfileName”netsh wlan delete profile name=* i=* Chapters:0:00 Intro0:23 Forget wi-fi network in windows 10 using system tray0:48 Forget wi-fi network in windows 10 using settings app1:22 Forget wi-fi… Read more
How to Change the Default New Folder Name in Windows 10
By default, when you create a new folder in Windows 10, the folder is given the name “New folder.” If you don’t like this name and you’d rather use another name, you can change the default name for new folders in Windows 10. Here’s how you do this. Code:cmd.exe /c md “%1/%%DATE%%” Chapters:0:00 Intro0:23 How… Read more
3 Ways To Disable Proxy Settings In Windows 10
There is an option in Windows 10 to manually configure proxy settings so that your network traffic is routed through it onto the internet. However, it is not always the best approach to use a proxy server. Let me show you 3 different ways you can disable the proxy settings on your PC. Chapters:0:00 Intro0:23… Read more
How to Stop Windows 10 From Reopening Your Previous Applications After Restarting Your PC
When you shut down or sign out, Windows 10 remembers which applications you had open. It automatically launches them the next time you start your PC. You can disable this if you’d like to sign into a clean desktop. Chapters:0:00 Intro0:23 How to stop windows 10 from reopening applications0:56 How to stop windows from reopening… Read more
How to Create Administrator Account in Windows 10
This video will teach you how to create administrator account in Windows 10 whether you are using a local user account or a Microsoft account. Commands:net user UserName /addnet localgroup Administrators UserName /add Chapters:0:00 An intro0:23 Create a local administrator account using the settings app1:09 Create a local administrator account through local users and groups… Read more
5 Ways to Reduce How Much Data Your Windows 10 PC Uses
Even if you don’t have a limited internet plan, these methods are useful to use your internet plan judiciously, you should also reduce your Windows 10 computer data usage using the tips in the video. Chapters:0:00 An intro0:23 Make connection metered0:52 Set data limit1:48 Turnoff background apps2:32 Turn off microsoft store auto-update2:58 Pause windows updates… Read more
How to Change Microphone Volume in Windows 10
If your microphone seems too quiet or loud on Windows 10, you can easily adjust the signal input level. Here’s how to increase or decrease your microphone volume. Chapters:0:00 Intro0:23 How to change microphone volume using settings1:01 How to change microphone volume using the control panel1:44 Outro What you will learn 1. How to Change… Read more