How to Create Administrator Account in Windows 10

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This video will teach you how to create administrator account in Windows 10 whether you are using a local user account or a Microsoft account.

net user UserName /add
net localgroup Administrators UserName /add

0:00 An intro
0:23 Create a local administrator account using the settings app
1:09 Create a local administrator account through local users and groups manager
2:26 Create a local administrator account using command prompt

What you’ll learn:
1. How to create local administrator account in Windows 10
2. 3 ways you can create local accounts on your PC that have administrative privileges
3. Create a local administrator account using the Settings app
a. How to Navigate to Start Menu – Settings – Accounts – Family & other users
b. How to Add someone else to your PC
c. How to Change account type d. How to select the Account type as Administrator
4. Create a local administrator account through Local Users and Groups Manager in Windows 10
a. How to Launch the Local Users and Groups Manager
b. How to create New user using lusrmgr.msc
c. How to add Administrators group
5. Create a local administrator account using Command Prompt
a. How to create a local administrator account using the Command Prompt for Windows 10
b. How to create a new local user
c. How to add new user to Administrator group
d. How to Launch the Command Prompt with administrative privileges
6. How to creates an account but does not set a password for it

Song: DayFox – Space
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:

#computereverywhere #howtocreate #administrator #account #windows10