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How to Overlay two files with UnionFs in a Linux System
UnionFS creates a unified seamless filesystem by transparently overlaying files and directories from separate filesystems. In this short video, we shall be looking at how to get it installed in Ubuntu 20.04.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install -y unionfs-fuse
mkdir dir1
touch dir1/f1
touch dir1/f2
mkdir dir2
touch dir2/f3
touch dir2/f4
mkdir union
unionfs dir1/:dir2/ union/
ls union/
0:00 Intro
0:23 Step1: Update the package index
0:51 Step2: install Unionfs
1:13 Step3: create two separate directories (branches) with two files each respectively
1:35 Step4: Let’s create an empty directory
1:48 Step 5: Mount the two branches
2:03 Step6: verify the files
2:18 End screen
What you will learn:
1. Step1: Update the package index
2. Step2: install Unionfs
3. Step3: create two separate directories (branches) with two files each respectively
4. Step4: Let’s create an empty directory
5. Step 5: Mount the two branches
a. How to overlay the two branches on top of each
6. Step6: verify the files
Song: MusicbyAden – Ocean
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Creative Commons – Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Video Link:
#computereverywhere #howto #overlay #files #union #fs #linux #system
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